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Here we provide statistics on men's mental health issues from experts in the field


Simon Rice

"40% of men won’t talk about their mental health with their friends or family. Therefore, many individuals suffer in silence. While the topic is becoming more prevalent with more awareness campaigns, there is still a need to help men feel comfortable enough to speak out about their mental health"

Mental Health Foundation

"Approximately 1-in-8 men have a common mental health problem such as anxiety, stress, or depression. When left unattended, these problems can worsen and be detrimental to those affected."


Trace S. Kershsaw 

From a study conducted on 18- to 25-year-old heterosexual men over 29% of the sample met the criteria for depression.

Katelyn M. Sileo

"In a national survey, nearly 9% of men had daily feelings of anxiety or depression, but less than one half of men (41.0%) took medication for these feelings or had recently talked to a mental health professional"

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