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Works Cited

“Creating the Context - Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs ...” Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of Men, 2018,


Dhawan, Anju. “Review Adolescent Substance Abuse and Suicide.” Academia.Edu, 9 Feb. 2022,


Rasmussen, Mette. Barriers toward Help-Seeking among Young Men Prior to Suicide, Accessed 30 Oct. 2023.


Rice, Simmon, et al. “Adolescent and Young Adult Male Mental Health: Transforming System Failures into Proactive Models of Engagement.” Journal of Adolescent Health, Elsevier, 15 Feb. 2018,


Sagar-Ouriaghli, Ilyas, et al. “Improving Mental Health Help-Seeking among Male University Students: A Series of Gender-Sensitive Mental Health Feasibility Interventions.” American Journal of Men’s Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2023,


Sileo, Katelyn M, and Trace S Kershaw. “Dimensions of Masculine Norms, Depression, and Mental Health Service Utilization: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study among Emerging Adult Men in the United States.” American Journal of Men’s Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2020,


Wong, Joel, and Shu-Yi Liu. Meta-Analyses of the Relationship between Conformity to Masculine Norms ..., Accessed 30 Oct. 2023.


Zhu, Nan, and Lei Chang. “Evolved but Not Fixed: A Life History Account of Gender Roles and Gender Inequality.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 9 July 2019,

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